Thanks Mr Bowie for providing a sound track for my thoughts! I'm approaching the dawn of a new decade of my life, and it makes me think about this idea of change - how I've changed, how the world has changed, how I feel about change etc. That's all just middle of the night thinking, but clear-eyed daytime thinking has me looking at the idea of change in relation to our classrooms. Hearing things like 'this has worked before, it'll work again'.... 'we always do poetry reading in term 3'... 'but there are only five different writing genre.... 'but that's the way we've always done it'... and most worringly of all 'but our curriculum says we have to'... suggests to me that CHANGE is not something that is practiced in our classrooms. Are we as teachers afraid of change? Not the huge things, just little things. Are we now just so perfect that changing something would ruin the perfection? Are are too numbed or dumbed down from ...